TINA TURNER WAS THE QUEEN OF ROCK & ROLL. PASSING AT AGE 83, WE REMEMBER HER FOR HER LIFE STORY, HER ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH IKE, HER BREAKAWAY TO A RIVETTING SOLO CAREER AND A WORLDWIDE FOOTPRINT WITH GOLD & PLATINUM SINGLES AND ALBUMS AND NOT ONLY A FACE THAT EVERYONE KNEW AND KNOWS, BUT A SET OF LEGS YOU COULD PICK OUT OF A HUNDRED PAIR AT RANDOM. TINA’S TWO BEST SELLERS ARE REPRESENTED IN THIS STUNNING AWARD: PROUD MARY and WHAT’S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT? THEY WENT GOLD and/or PLATINUM in the U. CANADA, DENMARK, NEW ZEALAND and the UNITED KINGDOM, BUT WERE HEARD ON THE RADIO AROUND THE WORLD. Georgeous Cork/Gold Lame’ fabric background. Made by my father, Ken Kittinger, the premier gold record maker for 50 years in the music industry (Google him at: Ken Kittinger Gold Records), Proud Mary was certified GOLD in 1971 and What’s Love Got To Do With It was certified in 1984. At the time, Tina who was 44, became the oldest female solo artist to hit the top (#1 position) on Billboard’s Hot 100. It was the 2. Biggest single in 1984, barely beaten out by Prince’s When Dove’s Cry. A beautiful memorial photo of Tina from about the same era accompanies this award in a matching 8 X 10 frame with birth & death years. My father passed at age 91 in 2016, leaving behind more than 5,000 awards and other memorabilia in his Music Row Nashville workshop.